The Aspirancy is the first stage of initial formation. This phase is a time of orientation and introduction to our way of life. It is, approximately, a year long program done within the papal enclosure. It is a period of inner reflection and earnest discernment of a true Poor Clare vocation through the vital means of Mass, reading of scripture as well as other spiritual reading, Monastery visits and correspondence, spiritual accompaniment, Eucharistic adoration and prayer. The garb of an aspirant (after entrance into the enclosure) is a simple, modest skirt with a long-sleeve blouse.
Moving from aspirancy to postulancy the young women is given a black jumper and veil to wear, showing her sincere desire to leave behind the things of the world for the things of God. Postulancy is, approximately, a year long period of assimilation and integration of the fundamental elements of contemplative life. This stage offers a more direct and concrete experince of community life according to our charism. The postulant seeks to know and understand better our Founders and spirituality allowing them to penetrate her own spirit more and more. This is also the time when one interiorly no longer only lives with the community but begins to become a part of it.
After a postulant has been invested with the holy habit of our Order she formally enters into the time of the novitiate where she officially begins life in our institute. As her vocational discernment continues, she deepens her decision to follow the poor crucified Christ, observing the Gospel in humility and ready penance after the example of our Mother St. Clare. This is an intense period of two years where the novice becomes more fully aware of her God-given call and her ability to live it with generosity and joy in the particular community to which the Lord has led her. Her prayer life, as well as her sacramental life, grows stronger as her relationship with Christ becomes increasingly more central, in preparation for her consecration to God through the profession of vows.
Through the profession of the evangelical councils of poverty, chastity and obedience, as well as our fourth vow of enclosure, the novice moves from novitiate to juniorate. She takes on the black veil, symbolizing her consecration to God. The sister’s vows are made for a three year period and renewed annually until the completion of five years. While continuing her spiritual, doctrinal and practical formation she is also incorporated into the life of the community more fully. As she takes on greater responsibilities she experiences her capacity to find proper balance among the various dimensions of the enclosed contemplative life. At this point the junior sister creates her own personal synthesis of the spirit and charism of the Order, incarnating it in daily life.
The ineffable gift God bestows on a Poor Clare at her solemn profession indelibly seals her consecrated life with a sacred, spousal character, symbolized by the bestowal of the ring. To equip the nun to live by this grace, faithfully and fruitfully, is the goal of initial formation. She also receives a crown of thorns signifying that she is wedded to none other than Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Taking her place among the solemnly professed sisters, she strives to integrate the principles learned during the years of initial formation into the fabric of her consecrated life, actualizing her gift of self in the heart of community. The sister endeavors to open herself daily to the on-going formation offered within the community, which is a continuous process of conversion of heart.